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Top 10 COVID-19 Tips

Top 10 tips

1. Wash your hands regularly for at least 20 seconds

2. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing/sneezing

3. Social distancing of 2 metres at all times where possible

4. Wear a face covering when in shared spaces

5. Keep rooms ventilated by opening windows in enclosed/shared spaces

6. Arrange a Covid test by calling 119 (and self-isolate) if you develop any of: New cough Shortness of breath Loss of taste/smell Fever

7. A fever is more than 38°C if older than 6 months and greater than 37.5 °C if less than 6 months old

8. Self-isolation is 10 days if you have suspected or confirmed Covid 19

9. Self-isolation is 10 days if you have been in contact with someone who has suspected or confirmed Covid 19

10. If you have to self-isolate you can get a free ‘isolation note’ from the 111 NHS website


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