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General Practice in 'crisis'

Please watch the following video:

- The total number of appointments delivered in general practice has increased by over 18% in the last year (on top of an already high workload before the pandemic) and we now have the highest level of demand ever.

- Despite ongoing COVID infection control working arrangements, 57% of consultations are taking place face to face

- 41% of appointments in July 2021 took place on the same day that they were booked, compared to 42% in July 2019

- Since March 2021, GP practices have delivered an estimated 442 million appointments, including COVID vaccinations, with over 215 million being face-to-face

- There were one million more practice appointments in July 2021 compared to July 2019; we also have the equivalent of 482 fewer fully qualified full-time GPs now compared to then

- Nevertheless, patients who have had a remote appointment are generally satisfied with the type of remote appointments they are being offered, with 73% recently saying they were.

Source BMA


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