Online Services
Register for patient access online to view your medical records, book appointments and order repeat prescriptions.
Registering will also allow you to view your medical records on the Official NHS App.
Before applying for online patient access, please read the following guidance.
Online Services Records Access Patient leaflet pdf
How to Register
1) Download and fill in the application for online access.
Application for online access to medical pdf
2) Bring the form along with 2 forms of ID to reception (We require 1 ID with a photo and 1 with an address e.g. Passport + driving license)
3) Your IDs will be verified and copies will be taken. The application will then be submitted, once it has been processed you will be given a log in PIN.
Please note, this may take up to 28 days.
4) Use the log in PIN to register for SystmOnline here.
The log in PIN will expire after 7 days, after which the registration process will need to be repeated.
If you experience any difficulties registering for online access please email us at southendmedical.centre@nhs.net.