Dec 27, 2021Recording overseas vaccinations in the National Booking ServiceEligible patients can now book a face-to-face appointment via the National Booking system, at a selected vaccination centre...
May 9, 2021How to access your COVID-19 Vaccination statusYou can access your COVID-19 vaccination status through the free NHS App from 17 May. You can access the app through mobile devices such...
May 5, 2021FIRST Covid Vaccine UpdateAll patients age 40 or over or Clinically Vulnerable including Learning Disability patients have been invited for their FIRST Covid...
Apr 9, 2021Oxford AstraZeneca Vaccine UpdateHere is the latest guidance sent to us by the North & South Essex Local Medical Committee. New guidance has been issued for the use of...
Apr 8, 2021Vaccine PassportWe are currently unable to offer you a certification of covid vaccination, a vaccination passport or a letter to prove you have been...
Mar 2, 2021A guide to your COVID-19 Vaccination.Please download and read the above leaflet, published by Public Health England.
Feb 25, 2021Asthma and COVID-19I HAVE ASTHMA. WHEN WILL I RECEIVE THE VACCINE? - If you have received a shielding letter, you're in priority group 4. - If you have had...
Feb 22, 2021Vaccine information Video in community languagesPlease click on the following link for vaccine information video in community languages.
Feb 8, 2021FIRST Covid VaccineAll patients age 40 or over or Clinically Vulnerable including Learning Disability patients have been invited for their FIRST Covid...
Jan 15, 2021COVID-19 vaccination: what to expect next. Leaflet.Please download this leaflet for more information on what to expect next after you have had your first COVID-19 vaccination.
Jan 15, 2021COVID-19 Vaccination UpdateNow that more doses of Covid-19 vaccines are available, the NHS is able to open more vaccination services, including the first...
Jan 15, 2021Covid-19 vaccination: why do I have to wait? Leaflet.Waiting for a COVID-19 vaccine? Please download this leaflet for information on who we are vaccinating first and why you may have to wait.
Dec 24, 2020Coronavirus (COVID-19) VaccineWait to be contacted The NHS will let you know when it's your turn to have the vaccine. It's important not to contact the NHS for a...