Appointments are for one person at ten-minute intervals and for medical conditions only.
If you think you'll need a longer consultation please book a double appointment with one of our reception staff.
Double appointments cannot be booked online.
Online appointments
GP appointments can now be booked online using systmonline.
Please click the button below to be redirected to our booking page.
To register for online bookings please call us to request a username and password.
For further information on how to use systmonline click here.
Book now, using SystmOnline.
Telephone appointments
The practice offers daily appointments on the telephone.
You will be given advice over the phone on how to treat your illness.
If the doctor feels you need to be seen in person an appointment will be booked.
You may be offered medication, which means the doctor will prepare a prescription for you, which will be available to collect from the surgery that day. will book you a further appointment.
Please call us if you have any queries on 01702 333298.
Our Telephone lines are open from 08:30 - 18:30, Monday to Friday.
Video appointments
If appropriate we can offer a video consultation.
Video consultations can be used for a number of different issues and conditions and can be booked with a GP. You will need a smartphone and you don't need to download any software beforehand.
We follow NHS guidance and use secure, NHS approved software to ensure that we use video consultations safely and effectively.
We have made sure that our video consultations are easy for you to access and use.
Home Visits
Our practice provides home visits to those in need.
If you feel you need a Doctor or District Nurse to visit then please try to call before 10am.
The Doctor may want to phone you back, as it may be possible to deal with the problem over the phone.
We will always visit:
The terminally Ill
The bed bound patients.
Please call reception to book a home visit on 01702 333298.
(Our Telephone lines are open from 08:00 - 18:30, Monday to Friday).
Please note that a clinician has both the right and the responsibility to make a final decision on whether a home visit will be made and how urgently a visit is needed.
Appointments with a healthcare professional when your GP practice is closed.
As a member of Southend West Central Primary care network we now offer out-of-hours appointments.
Monday to Friday
6.30pm to 8pm
9am to 5pm
Appointments can be booked by calling the number below during the tiumes listed, or via your own GP practice during normal opening hours:
07938 732180
Appointments are held at:
Argyll Road Surgery
48 Argyll Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, SS0 7HN