About Us
Southend Medical Centre
Located in centre of town, the surgery provides a range of NHS primary care services. ​
We strive to provide the best standards of medical and personal care with your treatment being delivered in a clinically effective manner by the most appropriate health professional.
Our aim is to provide an effective, efficient and fair health care service to all our patients by:
Putting our patients at the centre of what we do.
Having a professional integrated primary healthcare team who are suitably qualified and trained.
Offering our services in a safe, supportive and well equipped environment.
We always welcome any comments or suggestions you may have about the surgery.

Our Staff
Dr H Siddique (Male)
Dr R Siddique (Male)
Dr M Saleemi (Female)
Dr Z Ali (Male)
Dr N Ahmed (Female)
Nursing Team:
Cathy Rehill (Advanced Nurse Practitioner)
Angela Cowell (Advanced Nurse Practitioner)
Vacancy (Advance Nurse Practitioner)
Samantha Heasman (Practice and Diabetic Nurse)
Emma Gracie (Practice Nurse)
Saumya Varghese (Practice Nurse)
Homeless Project:
Victoria Earey (Paramedic)
Practice Manager:
Zoe Davis
The clinical staff are supported by a dedicated team of care navigators and administration staff.
West Central Primary Care Network
We are part of the West Central Primary Care Network (PCN).
What is a Primary Care Network?
Primary Care Networks (PCN) offer a new way of organising care, bringing together all local health and care services in a local area to deliver more joined up care to local populations (usually covering around 50,000 people)
When fully developed, PCNs will include:
GP services
Community health services
Mental health services
Adult social care
Voluntary organisations
For more information, please visit: https://www.westcentralpcn.nhs.uk/
Primary Care Network (PCN) Staff:​
First Contact physio
Health & Wellbeing Coach
Population Health Management
Mental Health Practitioner
Social Prescriber
Clinical Pharmacist
Clinical Auditor
PCN Paramedic
Care Coordinator
Pharmacy Technician